Steve Carell to appear in The Office Series Finale?

The latest rumors are buzzing all over the web telling us it's possible our beloved Michael Scott might actually appear in the finale after all.  Here's what we've been able to dig up.

"It's Britney, bitch" 

TVLine says: 

"Producers mounted an 11th hour effort last month to coax Carell into making a cameo in the show’s hour-long swan song. And while no one is confirming that the final diplomatic push proved successful, no one is denying it either."

Steve Carell's publicist confirmed he was in fact on set during the last day of filming.  The publicist also claimed Carell didn't shoot any scenes while there. But, according to, a "source close to the show" said not to rule anything out. And, an NBC spokesperson declined to comment. Show creator Greg Daniels, who previously said Steve would NOT come back for the finale has recently taken a "silence is golden" approach to questions about Michael Scott's much anticipated return.  

Could this be Michael The Magic's best trick ever?

Back in January Steve had this to say:

“I just didn’t think it was right for the character, because that character had had an arc within the story and kind of grew and sort of evolved past the idea of the documentary. I’m really good friends with everybody on the cast and with [executive producer] Greg Daniels and I want to go back to say, ‘Hi,’ certainly, before it all ends. but I just thought, in terms of the character, it didn’t make sense.”

Here's hoping he had a change of heart over the last few months. The Series finale airs 5/16/2013 at 9PM EST and is expected to be at least one hour long.